Worrying- Having a teenager has challenged me!! It is so difficult to know when to trust and when to doubt, when to start pulling back a bit, and how to deal with not being number one in his life anymore. The pull of peers is so strong and my desire for him to make choices that honor God is stronger. I can feel Satan's desire for him, to steal him from the God that created him, to lure him with worldly things. I can give him limits, give him guidance, and love him unconditionally.....but it is ultimately his choice now what he will do with that. Long gone are the days I can just send him to the corner! (I miss those days) Parenting a teen is a balancing act and one I barely feel equipped for most days. The bible tells me to "Cast your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 Spending my strength on worry and not prayer is silly. God knows better than I do what Ruben needs and will equip me and will fill in the gaps where I fail. The safest place for my son to be is placed at the feet of Jesus. I love that He is always waiting for me to come to Him with my needs.
Petty work issues- I need to rise above pettiness at work. When there are legitimate problems, I will certainly address them. But, I need to let some things go! Bringing that stress home saps my strength from my family and I want them to get my best!
Computer time- I love the internet! It is so much easier to read about cleaning instead of doing it! Looking at recipes is so fun....but then when my family wants dinner and I'm not sure what it is....not a great use of time. I get so many great ideas and inspiration from the web that I know the answer is not to turn it off completely. I'm not sure yet what this will look like but I know that God is prompting me to evaluate the large amount of time I spend on the computer. It may not be "spending" physical strength, but it is "spending" my time in a way that I'm not comfortable with. So time to change! :)
Computer time- I love the internet! It is so much easier to read about cleaning instead of doing it! Looking at recipes is so fun....but then when my family wants dinner and I'm not sure what it is....not a great use of time. I get so many great ideas and inspiration from the web that I know the answer is not to turn it off completely. I'm not sure yet what this will look like but I know that God is prompting me to evaluate the large amount of time I spend on the computer. It may not be "spending" physical strength, but it is "spending" my time in a way that I'm not comfortable with. So time to change! :)
Acts 20:24 "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me--the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."
This is where I want to spend my strength. Insuring my husband and children are full of God's truths and have knowledge of His love and saving grace.
This is where I want to spend my strength. Insuring my husband and children are full of God's truths and have knowledge of His love and saving grace.