Thursday, April 18, 2013

5 years old and 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge- Day 18

This past weekend, we celebrated my sweet Aubrey's 5th birthday. 
It has taken me most of the week to recover! We had family over Friday night and then 11 five year old girls here Saturday. It was tons of fun but I was exhausted afterwards!

So...I am back on track with the 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge.

Today's challenge is to clean your refrigerator.

I don't know why but I dread cleaning my fridge.

The shelves definitely needed a good washing. I also had a lot of stuff to recycle. Why do I have a Gatorade bottle filled with water that no one has drank for weeks in my fridge? Who knows! 
One thing I have noticed while working through the challenge this month is how much I overlook in my home. It is amazing how I can look at something over and over but not really see it. I am going to try to work harder not to let this happen.

How are you doing on the challenge?


  1. I've noticed the same thing--that I'm now noticing things that I never saw before! I'm loving these challenges, my house is looking better and better!

  2. Isn't it amazing what the human eye gets used to seeing? I call them clutter fixtures.
    Great job on the fridge!
    Leah @ Simple.Home.Blessings.
