Sunday, September 30, 2012

31 Days of Activities Based on Children's Books

I am so excited to be participating in the 31 Day blogging series that The Nester is hosting. 

I LOVE children's books! My friends tease me that if Scholastic ever comes to our town I will be first in line for a job! 

I can't wait to get started on this series. I am going to share my favorite books and an activity that you can do with your child each day. I hope that you will join me! 


  1. as an avid reader, mumma of two kids aged below 10 and a language teacher, i am looking forward to readind your series!

  2. oh, what a great series idea! as a former english-teacher-now-homeschooler, i'm definitely interested!

  3. I'd be in line right there with you! I catalog all my children's books, and at last count, I had over 2000. It's part of my life as an early childhood teacher. I am looking forward to your series!

  4. This is great! I'm sooooo pinning and going to come back often. I'd also love to have you link this us to Titus 2 Tuesday this week on Cornerstone Confessions.. I hope to see you there. 

